
There are quite some definitions of elearning in the web -> see wikipedia: elearning.

I would like to choose a different approach than these definitions give. I do not intend to elaborate on the different definitions but rather on the different target-groups of elearning.
Looking at the different possible learner-target-groups that are involved elearning we can distinguish several:

  • one targetgroup is the one of students that are still involved in compulsary education – the age-group being approximately between 8 and 18 years of age.
  • students continuing their school-career in college or university can be seen as a different target group which is motivated in a more intrinsic way.
  • people in vocational training-situations are yet another target-group which can have another focus.

Does age have a relevance related to elearning – I think it does.

The ability to reflect may differ in the given age-groups. During my work in upper secondary educational institutions and comparing the situation with other learning-institutions like universities lead me to the opinion that the practical approach towards elearning is very variable.
Students, more intrinsicly motivated – so my hypothesis – are more self-guided than younger pupils. This means, that elearning,
defined in a very puristic way as possibility to acquire knowledge by reading online-material, is much easier to offer to the target-group of
universitary students than while working with younger students.
When talking about elearning with students it is important to understand that guiding younger people needs an intense form of blended learning.

This leads us to a concept called eCOOL – guided eLearning enhanced with cooperative, open learning situations that take the focus off of the use of learn-management-software but rather enhances the social dimension – and only uses the benefits that eLearning-platforms offer.